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Lead concentrate

Lead concentrate

Lead concentrate is loaded into Rotary Furnace fired by LDO/FO/GAS at 1100 'C. Lead sulphide is split into Lead and sulphur dioxide; with lead dust, all gases are passed through a pollution control plant till clean air is released into air, Liquid Lead is tapped into cast iron pot.

Cooling the crude Lead (95%); Lead treated in Refinery Kettle, using various chemicals to make pure lead 99.97%. This liquid metal is pumped into continuous caster of 30 kgs ingot. The ingots are tested for quality, packed and dispatched.

Spectrometer is used to certify the quality.

The plant assures a total pollution free Environment and high Manufacturing standards.

This Technology is exclusive and only one of its kind in India. This is proven technology and we were using this process in Indonesia for almost 15 years in the name of Pt. Radi Logam, Indonesia.

The company assures its product is arsenic free. Arsenic becomes null & void by using our innovative experience.