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The processed mineral is Galena (PbS) which comprises of 60% of lead. In order to smelt this mineral, a blast furnace is needed to be used. A blast furnace is an enormous oven which is used to accomplish the smelting processes. The process in which galena is smelted requires two important chemical reactions to occur within the furnace.

The galena is Roasted (reacts with O2) in order to remove the sulfur component of the metal sulfide. Roasting is a method where a sulfide ore (i.e an ore containing PbS) is heated in air which converts the metal sulfide to either a metal oxide or a metal itself.

The newly formed Lead (II) Oxide subsequently reacts with coke to attain refined Lead. Coke is a pure form of coal that contains carbon and is essential in the extraction of metals from their oxides.